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Request for Proposals: Economic Data Report Data Verification Audit

Deadline for written questions: 8.21.2017
Deadline for submissions: 9.1.2017
Q&A posted 8.28.2017

PSMFC is soliciting cost proposals in this RFP for a contractor to implement and complete the third-party verification audit protocols as specified below for EDR forms submitted during calendar year 2016 and 2017 with a potential for annual contract renewal through 2021.

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Aug. 1, 2017 alt text Professional Services: WEST COAST GROUNDFISH OBSERVER PROGRAM

Deadline for written questions: 7.28.2017
Deadline for submissions: 8.25.2017
RFP Updated 7.14.2017
Q&A posted 8.4.2017

The general goal of this task is to provide timely information by gear, area, and season on activities undertaken by the groundfish fleet.

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Jul. 3, 2017 alt text Workshop Facilitation to Address Invasive Forms of Research on Cook Inlet Beluga Whales

Deadline for written questions: 5.19.2017
Deadline for submissions: 5.31.2017
Q&A posted 5.25.2017

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) to procure the professional services of a contractor that will coordinate with the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) Alaska Region (AKR) Protected Resources Division (PRD) staff to plan and facilitate a workshop to address invasive forms of research on endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales (CIB).

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

May. 8, 2017 alt text Vessel Needed for Conservation Engineering Studies of Trawl Gear in the BS Pollock Fishery Evaluating Salmon Excluders, Behavior and Trawl Footrope

Deadline for written questions: 5.19.2017
Deadline for submissions: 6.9.2017

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) has a requirement for a trawl vessel and crew to conduct studies in 2017 to evaluate the performance of trawl gear being utilized in Alaskan fisheries and fish behavior in those nets. The base charter will consist of 10 charter days, with an option for the PSMFC to extend the contract for up to 10 additional charter days and for one-year option periods (2018 and 2019).

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

May. 1, 2017 alt text Coordinator for Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP) Request for Proposals

Deadline for written questions: 1.20.2017
Deadline for submissions: 2.3.2017
Q&A posted 1.25.2017

PMEP, a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), is seeking a half -time coordinator/staffer to work with the PMEP Board and its committees to advance and further its mission and goals.

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Jan. 6, 2017 alt text