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Cook Inlet Chinook Salmon Disaster Research

Deadline for written questions: 10.16.2015
Deadline for pre-proposals: 10.30.2015
Deadline for full-proposals: 12.24.2015

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) will be issuing roughly $2 million in grants to qualified research projects in the Cook Inlet that address research themes related to the Alaska Chinook Salmon Fishery Disaster that was declared by the Secretary of Commerce on September 31, 2012.

RFP Q&A Posted - 10.22.2015

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Oct. 1, 2015 alt text Integration of Coral ESA Requirements into Coral EFH, CWA and FWCA Assessments and Mitigation Standards in the US Pacific Islands

Deadline for written questions: 9.25.2015
Deadline for submissions: 10.12.2015
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to procure the professional services of a contractor who will lead Pacific Islands Regional Office’s Protected Resources Division (PIRO/PRD) effort to integrate coral Endangered Species Act (ESA) requirements into coral Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), Clean Water Act (CWA) and Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) assessment and mitigation standards in the US Pacific Islands. The project’s objective is to develop coral ESA mitigation requirements that complement the ongoing regional effort by PIRO/HCD (Habitat Conservation Division) to develop protocols for coral MSA-EFH/CWA/FWCA assessment and mitigation.

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Sep. 14, 2015 alt text Completion of a Geodatabase on Locations of Listed Corals in Guam, CNMI, American Samoa and PRIAs

Deadline for written questions: 9.25.2015
Deadline for submissions: 10.9.2015
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to procure the professional services of a contractor who establish a web-based, publicly-available, user-friendly GIS database showing known locations of ESA-listed corals in Guam, CNMI, American Samoa, and PRIAs for use by federal action agencies, local governments, and other interested parties.

RFP Q&A Posted - 9.30.2015

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Sep. 11, 2015 alt text Pretesting and Implementing Alaska Saltwater Sport Fishing Surveys

Deadline for written questions: 9.18.2015
Deadline for submissions: 10.2.2015
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is requesting proposals for a survey research project that collects information to estimate the economic value of saltwater sport fishing trips in Alaska, in order to understand the factors that affect participation in, and demand for, these trips by Alaska resident anglers (i.e., anglers, or recreational fishermen, who live and fish in Alaska) and non-resident anglers (i.e., anglers who live outside of Alaska but who fish in the state). The survey will collect stated and revealed preference information to allow estimation of recreational fishing demand and to assist in understanding angler preferences for different types of fishing opportunities.

RFP Q&A and supporting documents Posted - 9.23.2015

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Sep. 3, 2015 alt text Fish Identification Mobile Application

Deadline for written questions: 7.24.2015
Deadline for submissions: 8.7.2015
It is the intent of this Request for Proposals (RFP) and resulting contract to establish an agreement for the professional services of a mobile application developer to create a cross-platform mobile application for fish identification.

RFP Q&A Posted - 7.30.2015

RFP Q&A Updated - 8.3.2015

For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.

Jul. 15, 2015 alt text