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The Mitchell Act EIS will analyze the impacts of NOAA Fisheries Service’s allocation and distribution of Mitchell Act funds for hatchery operations. The EIS will also analyze environmental effects associated with NOAA Fisheries Service’s Endangered Species Act determinations on hatchery programs supported through the Mitchell Act. The socioeconomics work will begin in Mid-December, 2006.
Nov. 3, 2006 CLOSED: UltrasonicThe Captain and crew of the vessel selected will assist in the deployment and retrieval of an underwater camera outfitted with a video system and oceanographic sensors. The equipment mounted on the trawl provides lighted video and ultrasonic video data to a monitor and associated computer equipment mounted in the vessel’s cabin.
Apr. 28, 2006 CLOSED: Shelf Rockfish 06Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter two vessels to participate in a fisheries research project in 2006. The project will be in collaboration with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
Mar. 29, 2006 CLOSED: RFP Amendment 1The Council has expressed a desire to monitor, among other things, how the economic returns of various stakeholders in BSAI crab fisheries are affected by rationalization. This requires the collection of historic data as well as annual data to not only better understand the economic performance of crab fishery participants, but to isolate the effects attributable to the Program. Economic data reports (EDRs) that ask questions about harvesters' and processors' crab operations were specifically developed for the crab fisheries to fill this knowledge gap.
Mar. 1, 2006 CLOSED: AKFIN Data WarehouseAKFIN is a regional program that consolidates and supports the collection, processing, analysis, and reporting of fisheries statistics for North Pacific and Alaskan fisheries. AKFIN integrates information into a single data management system using consistent methods and standardized formats. The Network then reports this information on their website, in various publications, and to researchers using different methodologies.
Jan. 13, 2006