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Submission deadline passed.
Identify spawning habitat availability basin‐wide. Compile, analyze, and summarize existing data and use aerial photo interpretation to estimate spawning habitat availability. Through coordination with the Siskiyou Resource Conservation District (SQRCD) conduct limited field work to map and quantify spawning habitat availability within or in the proximity of suitable rearing habitat. Map on aerial photos, digitize into GIS, quantify spawning habitat by sub‐reach, density, suitability, and habitat availability vs. spawning use.

Submission deadline passed.
The successful Respondent will perform project management including working with the CDFG, the landowner and the water users to complete the project in the time and dollar amount allowed. The Scope of Work includes...

Submission deadline passed.
This project will evaluate the quantity, quality, distribution, and sources of existing coarse sediment and spawning gravel supplies, to determine if spawning gravel augmentation is needed in the Shasta River and tributaries. Based on the results of this evaluation, the project will develop a Spawning Gravel Enhancement and Monitoring Plan that recommends spawning gravel restoration or enhancement actions, identifies potential spawning gravel augmentation locations, specifies augmentation methods and volumes, develops sediment composition specifications, and recommends initial augmentation sources and frequencies. The Plan will evaluate the need for spawning habitat structures to enhance and/or retain existing gravel supplies and, if deemed necessary, recommend at least five priority stream reaches where spawning gravels should be augmented. Where river access is available, the Plan should encompass the following reaches: the Shasta River Canyon, Yreka Creek, Shasta River from Dwinnell Dam to Hwy A12, Parks Creek, Big Springs Creek, the Little Shasta River, and the mouth of Julian Creek.

Submission deadline passed.
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation with NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center, is conducting business and household surveys for eight small, fishing engaged communities in Washington, Oregon, and California. The communities in the West Coast Community Economic Survey include two in Washington (Westport, Blaine), two in Oregon (Newport, Brookings), and four in California (Crescent City, Fort Bragg, Bodega Bay, Moss Landing).

Submission deadline passed.
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) and California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) are seeking an engineering consultant to submit a competitive bid to develop an irrigation efficiency study for the Shasta Springs Ranches. The purpose of the study will be to identify potential opportunities to reduce surface water use on the Shasta Springs Ranches. These potential water savings will provide a basis for negotiations to increase in‐stream flows in the Shasta River and Parks Creek to benefit salmon and steelhead. The properties are located approximately 4 miles below Lake Shastina, in Siskiyou County. The project will include an analysis of surface water and groundwater diversions on the Shasta Springs Ranches. The study will result in recommendations for modifying irrigation practices based on the premise that opportunities exist to maintain ranch productivity; allow the ranch to remain profitable and reduce, if possible, surface water diversions from the Shasta River and Parks Creek; which may make water available to improve conditions for fish.