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West Coast and Alaska Fisheries Economic Data Program (EFIN/AKFED)
West Coast and Alaska Fisheries Economic Data Program (EFIN/AKFED)

The Fisheries Economics Data Program (EFIN) and the Alaska Fisheries Economic Data Program (AKFED) are cooperative efforts to collect and consolidate economic data on West Coast and Alaska fisheries. As part of its agreement with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) conducts the EFIN/AKFED data collection projects with the help of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC). The EFIN/AKFED website provides economic information, including survey instruments, survey summaries, datasets and a list of fisheries economics resources and publications.


The goals of EFIN /AKFED are to provide reliable and timely data to assist with:

1. Monitoring the economic performance of the harvest and processing components of West Coast and Alaska fisheries.

2. Analyzing the economic effects of present and future management decisions about  West Coast and Alaskan fisheries     and fishing communities.

Activities and Reports

As part of EFIN & AKFED’s goals to provide reliable and current data about the economic performance, the programs assist with industry cost and effort surveys, such as surveys on West Coast Charter Boats and Alaska Sportfishing Charter Operators. More information is available on the EFIN website.

EFIN /AKFED maintains lists of relevant datasets and publications on its website. This information can assist regional and national fisheries economists, as well as other parties concerned with the impact of management decisions on fishing communities. Datasets include employment costs indices, average wages for fishermen, and producer price indices. The EFIN staff also collects monthly spot fuel prices from approximately 50 ports from Alaska to California. EFIN annually creates a report analyzing the prices of the previous three years of fuel data.

EFIN/AKFED maintains an extensive list of social and economic bibliographies useful to fisheries economists. EFIN/AKFED is currently developing a classification scheme for West Coast fishing industry vessels and processors--using categories such as homeport, current and historical participation by species, vessel features, permit ownership, and/or geographical range of landings.

Additional Information

Visit the West Coast and Alaska Fisheries Economic Data Program (EFIN/AKFED) website at: www.psmfc.org/efin.

For information about the NMFS role in this project contact Steve Freese by email to Steve.Freese@noaa.gov, or call 206.526.6113.

Program and data questions/comments can be directed to Dave Colpo, Senior Program Manager, by email to dcolpo@psmfc.org, or call 503.595.3100.

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