Home > Programs > Logbooks
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) supports several efforts by state and federal agencies to collect logbooks from commercial fishermen.
Non-trawl Groundfish Electronic Logbook
NOAA Fisheries requires electronic logbooks from vessels targeting groundfish in federal waters using non-trawl gear. For more details about the regulation and who it applies to, please visit the NOAA Fisheries website to see the Final Rule or review the Compliance Guide. PSMFC manages the electronic logbook application as well as the submitted logbook data.
Electronic Logbook App for Smart Phones
Electronic logbooks can be completed on smart phones, tablets, and computers. Access the logbook app at https://fedelog.psmfc.org, and create an account using the “New to FishVue FLOAT? Sign Up” link at the bottom of the screen.
Download the app to your device so you can enter logbooks offline while at sea, or for easy access. In Safari, select the share button and choose “Add to Home Screen”. In Chrome, tap on the prompt to add to home screen, or click the 3-dot icon in the upper right corner, then select “Install app”.
The app will ask for permission to use your device’s location. Please grant access if you want to use the auto-fill button for adding your set locations.
See the instructions below for further details on downloading the app, creating an account, collecting data, logbook submissions, and edits.
For additional help, send a message to fedelog@psmfc.org and we will call or email you back.
Download Instructions