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Tri-State Dungeness Crab (TSDC)
Tri-State Dungeness Crab (TSDC)

The Dungeness crab is a native species to Pacific nearshore habitat from Alaska to Mexico. It supports one of the West Coast’s most valuable fisheries, with about 99% of the Dungeness crab on the U.S. market coming from domestic sources. Landings of Dungeness crab in the fisheries of California, Oregon, and Washington have maintained a cyclical pattern for nearly 50 seasons. Harvests have ranged from 8 million to 54 million pounds, peaking approximately every 10 years.

The basic fisheries management has been stable over time. However, the fishery agencies of California, Oregon, and Washington agree that a need exists for interstate cooperation in management of the Pacific Coast Dungeness crab fishery and in dealing with adjustments to the fishing season. Under the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Dungeness Crab Tri-state process, the three state Fish and Wildlife agencies consult on issues affecting the commercial Dungeness crab fishery.

This agreement includes procedures for pre-season meat pick-out testing of the crab. The meat recovery criteria help determine if the season should open on December 1st. If the season opening is delayed, the opening day will be announced upon completion of further testing and agreement by the state agencies. In addition, if the season opening is delayed, state agencies take mutually supportive administrative action to establish fishing zones.

Additional Information

Visit the Tri-State Dungeness Crab program website at: www.psmfc.org/crab.

For more information contact Dave Colpo, Senior Program Manager, by email to dcolpo@psmfc.org, or call 503.595.3100.