Home > Procurements > Archived Opportunities > Coordinator for the California Fish Passage Forum
Coordinator for the California Fish Passage Forum
Deadline for written questions: 6.29.2018
Deadline for submissions: Extended to 7.30.2018
The California Fish Passage Forum (Forum), a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), is seeking a part-time coordinator to work with Forum membership in advancing and further developing the partnership. Additionally, with the assistance of a capable coordinator the Forum expects to develop a much stronger presence at all levels and increase interactions with the NFHAP National Board and Staff along with other NFHAP FHPs.
Posted: 6.6.2018
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below
Download RFP Jun. 6, 2018