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Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) supports several efforts by state and federal agencies to collect logbooks from commercial fishermen.

Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN)

Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN)

The Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN) is a regional program that consolidates and supports the collection, processing, analysis, and reporting of fisheries statistics for North Pacific and Alaskan fisheries. AKFIN integrates this information into a single data management system using consistent methods and standardized formats. The Network then reports this information on its website, in various publications, and to researchers. The resulting data enables fishery managers, scientists, and associated agencies to supervise fisheries resources more effectively and efficiently.

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program (AIS)

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program (AIS)

Aquatic nuisance or invasive species are nonindigenous species that threaten the diversity or abundance of native species or the ecological stability of infested waters, or commercial, agricultural, aquacultural, or recreational activities dependent on such waters. AIS include nonindigenous species that may occur in inland, estuarine and marine waters and that presently or potentially threaten ecological processes and natural resources.

California Cooperative Anadromous Fish and Habitat Data Program (CalFish)

California Cooperative Anadromous Fish and Habitat Data Program (CalFish)

California Cooperative Anadromous Fish and Habitat Data Program (CalFish) is a multi-agency cooperative program designed to gather, maintain, and disseminate fish and aquatic habitat data for California’s fisheries. There are many programs in California that are actively gathering, compiling, and analyzing fish and aquatic habitat data. Bringing all of this information together and making it available to a variety of users is crucial to the success of fisheries and habitat monitoring, evaluation, and management within the state.

Economic Data Reports (EDRs)

Economic Data Reports (EDRs)

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is the Data Collection Agent for three Economic Data Report (EDR) collections: the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) Crab Rationalization Program, the Amendment 80 to the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) Fishery Management Plan, and, beginning in 2013, the Amendment 91 Bering Sea Chinook Salmon Bycatch Management Data Collection. The Economic Data Reports (EDRs), collected annually from the harvesting and processing sectors, contain cost, revenue, ownership and employment data. The data is used to study the economic impacts of the programs on harvesters, processors, and communities.

Electronic Monitoring Program

Electronic Monitoring Program

The Electronic Monitoring Program tests the viability of Electronic Monitoring (EM) as a source of data to document individual accountability of catch and bycatch in the Pacific Trawl Rationalization Program.

Habitat Program

Habitat Program

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission's (PSMFC) Habitat Program is involved in programs on the West Coast that further habitat protection for anadromous, estuarine, and marine fish species. Program efforts are focused on estuarine and watershed conservation and restoration, and watershed education for decision makers. The program also works to assist fishermen and communities with recycling fishing nets, gear, and other marine debris.

Marine Aquaculture Research Projects

Marine Aquaculture Research Projects

Pacific Marine Pilot Projects: In 2017 PSMFC entered into an agreement with the NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture to support establishing or expanding regional pilot projects for marine aquaculture for the U.S. West Coast states of Alaska, California, Oregon and Washington, as well as Hawaii and U. S. Pacific Islands. NOAA has similar agreements in place with the Gulf and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commissions.