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CLOSED: PSMFC Website Redesign and Implementation RFP

Submission deadline passed.
It is the intent of this Request for Proposals (RFP) and resulting contract to establish an agreement for the professional services for a website developer to redesign the current website and content management system in order to modernize, streamline, and make the PSMFC website more useable, professional, and adaptable for future uses and upgrades. The website redesign is intended to improve the functionality of the website and to provide information and interactivity with members of the organization and the general public.

May. 16, 2011 alt text CLOSED: Maintenance and Enhancements to the Distributed Electronic Data Systems for West Coast Commercial Fisheries RFP

Submission deadline passed.
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) has successfully deployed a number of distributed Microsoft Access applications including, but not limited to, vessel and scientific logbooks, data capture systems for research data, applications, query tools and user interfaces to support reporting these data and the E-Ticket and Compliance Monitor applications which went into the production environment on January 11, 2011 enabling electronic submission of West Coast commercial fisheries landing data.

May. 16, 2011 alt text CLOSED: Alaska Fisheries Information Network Database Development RFP

Submission deadline passed.
Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN) is a program of Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) that maintains a data warehouse comprised of Alaska State and federal commercial fisheries data, as well as fisheries economic data collected through other projects within PSMFC. PSMFC/AKFIN is seeking to subcontract with an information technology (IT) company to provide continued support in the following key areas...

May. 9, 2011 alt text CLOSED: Telephone Surveys for Angler Fishing Effort and Economic Data RFP

Submission deadline passed.
This request for proposal (RFP) is to review the technical expertise, pricing structure and cost for potential contractors. The work will be to conduct ongoing fishing effort surveys through use of state electronic fishing license frames in California, Oregon and Washington. Occasionally, economic surveys may also be conducted using the angler license frame or additional angler contact information collected by other surveys in the field. The surveys are to be conducted primarily by telephone, but may include internet options for some surveys. The successful contractor will be utilized to conduct the various telephone surveys needed by PSMFC in its partnership with its member state fishery agencies in managing their marine fisheries for the next 3-4 years.

May. 1, 2011 alt text CLOSED: PSMFC Indirect Cost Allocation Study RFP

Submission deadline passed.
PSMFC will contract with a single firm to provide the services described herein. Proposals shall fully address the scope of work below and include a description of all deliverables and activities. PSMFC expects to award a contract by July 1, 2011. The contract term shall be for five years and will include services to initially develop an ICAP and train staff to update this plan on an annual basis. The contract may also include options to renew the contract for additional periods of time.

Apr. 12, 2011 alt text