Submission deadline passed.
Task 1. Big Sur River Lagoon Assessment
The contractor shall complete an assessment of the lagoon which includes: bathymetric mapping (using semi-permanent transects) to track changes in water volume and water quality monitoring to assess seasonal or annual changes in major water quality parameters. Additionally, fish sampling will be conducted using direct observation to assess use of the lagoon by steelhead and other species. The lagoon work is intended to supplement and be coordinated with an instream flow investigation in the mainstem Big Sur River and tributaries being managed by the California Department of Fish and Game.
Timeline: March 1, 2010 – December 11, 2011
Deliverables: Progress reports, final technical report outlining methods, study results, raw data, and data discussion/interpretation of the Big Sur River lagoon assessment activities, other budget and management information as necessary.
Task 2. Steelhead Habitat Suitability Assessment
The contractor will assess steelhead spawning, rearing, and incubation lifestages from a habitat selection standpoint by identifying and documenting the depths, velocities, substrate composition, cover, embeddedness, and other parameters preferred by steelhead lifestages under currently degraded conditions, and as the system recovers (for length of agreement). A study plan will be provided to and approved by the Department prior to starting this task.
Timeline: March 1, 2010 – September 30, 2012
Deliverables: Approved study plan, progress reports, and final summary report outlining methods, raw data, and discussion/interpretation of steelhead habitat suitability assessment task, other budget and management information as necessary.
References Form
Original posting date: 1.18.10