2024 Database Management, GIS Database Management and Mapping

Deadline for submission of proposals: 11.22.2024

The Feather River Program was established in 1996 to provide fishery data required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing for the Oroville Facilities and to inform Endangered Species Act Biological Assessments required for operation of the State Water Project. Since its inception the Feather River Program has provided a substantial body of valuable information, including peer-reviewed published manuscripts and numerous DWR technical reports related to CV steelhead, spring and fall run Chinook salmon, and green sturgeon.

The California DWR Feather River Program (FRP) conducts fisheries research, monitoring, and restoration in the Lower Feather (LFR) North Fork Feather River (NF) and Yuba Rivers (YR) in compliance with federal and state ESA regulatory requirements. PSMFC supports FRP with staff and the fisheries management data required for CDFW, USFWS, and NOAA Fisheries.

Posted: 11.5.2024

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