RFP for Audit Services

Deadline for written questions: 5.24.2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: 6.14.2024

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission is solicitating proposals from qualified firms of Certified Public Accountants to audit the Commission’s financial statements for three fiscal years ending June 30, 2024 through 2026, with the option of auditing the Commission’s financial statements for the two subsequent fiscal years, June 30, 2027 and 2028.

Posted: 5.20.2024

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2024 Data Management Systems Support, Development, Analytics, and Reporting

Deadline for written questions: 5.27.2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: 6.24.2024

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) maintains multiple databases that integrate and consolidate fisheries-dependent and independent data from various state and federal agencies, as well as other data sources, to support fisheries management goals and objectives in Alaska, the West Coast, and the Pacific Islands. PSMFC programs associated with these databases include the four Fisheries Information Networks (FIN), namely the Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN), Pacific Fisheries Information Network (PacFIN), Western Pacific Fisheries Information Network (WPacFIN) and Pacific Coast Recreational Fisheries Information Network (RecFIN). The information within these databases are used extensively by fishery managers, analysts, and scientists to assess existing management policies, as well as to promote the advancement of new policies to manage the public’s fishery resources.

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission is seeking to subcontract with an information technology company to assist with data management systems support, development, analytics, and reporting. The primary areas of work include:

Database support and development: Develop, maintain, and update relational Oracle databases, including database objects, schemas, and scripted procedures. In addition, monitor automated Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes and conduct and create routines for data
quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC).

API and web services: Develop, maintain, and update Rest API tools.

Web application support and development: Develop, maintain, and update public and private reports, as well as secure online data query tools. Functionality includes the ability of authorized users to filter and download a variety of reports or data outputs. These Oracle APEX applications and products need to meet data user needs with ongoing technical support to ensure the functionality of all reports, graphics, and related products.

Data analytics: Develop, maintain, and update data processes and products for spatial and artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives in Python, such as data mining, computer vision, natural language processing, and predictive analytics.

Client support: Provide ongoing technical support to FIN programs, web application users, and data users; ensure all tools remain operational and data integrity is maintained; and address critical technical issues rapidly and efficiently; coordinate with FIN staff, data users, and agency staff to determine reporting needs, translate needs into business rules/report logic, design and create online reports, demo reports and products during development, and work with users to alter the reports as additional needs arise; develop detailed documentation of analysis creation, updates and user guides.

The initial contract period for the vendor selected from this RFP will be for one year, with possibility of extension for up to five years.

Posted: 5.8.2024

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Sturgeon Fishing Guide Tagging Program

Deadline for written questions: 03.21.2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: 4.10.2024

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is seeking up to eight (8) participating sturgeon fishing charter Captains/ Guides (also referred to as “Contractor” or “Offeror”) to
collect data on and implant Passive Integrated Transponders (PIT) tags into all White Sturgeon caught and released during regularly scheduled charter operations. For a description of the terms used within this Statement of Work, please consult the Definitions (Section 5.1).

The PSMFC intends to contract with up to eight (8) sturgeon fishing charter Captains/ Guides for up to 60 days beginning May 1st and ending June 30, 2024 or when funds are exhausted (whichever comes first) to assist in a White Sturgeon mark-recapture study in the San Francisco Estuary (SFE). PSMFC will be responsible for implementing the project and providing all required scientific equipment, including tags, tag implanter, PIT tag scanner, and data collection/recording equipment. Successful Contractors will be required to attend a PSMFC in-person training on tagging and data collection protocols, as well as allow for Scientific staff observations days (see definition for ‘Observation day’ in Section 5.1).

Posted: 03.22.2024

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Vessel Needed for White Sturgeon Setline Survey Operations

Deadline for written questions: 03.22.2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: 4.02.2024

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is seeking up to three (3) Contractors (hereafter “Contractor” or “Offeror”) to furnish approved vessels, the necessary crew, materials, operating equipment, and services to perform the Statement of Work/Specifications specified in the full Request for Proposals.

The PSMFC intends to charter up to three (3) vessels for up to 64 sample days (‘sample day’ defined in section 3.1) to assist in a White Sturgeon mark-recapture study in the San Francisco Estuary (SFE). Two (2) vessels are needed for up to 64 days and one (1) vessel is needed for up to 32 days. The timeline to complete this work is between 1 May – 30 September of the current year. PSMFC will be responsible for implementing the project and providing all required scientific equipment. Preference will be given to Contractors that can provide hydraulic (or adequate electric) line hauling equipment. PSMFC will supply the mainlines (groundline), gangions (snap gear design), hooks, floats, float lines, anchors, and bait. The Captain (or ‘vessel operator’) and crew must be available during all scientific operations. To ensure full use of each sample day, the Captain and crew should make any necessary transit arrangements to begin fishing operations at the start of each sample day. Sampling will only occur when scientific staff are on board the vessel. All gear deployment and retrieval will occur during daylight hours.

Posted: 03.12.2024

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Commercial Fishery Vessel Monitoring Database and Web Application Tools

Deadline for written questions: 03.25.2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: 4.8.2024

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is seeking to subcontract with an information technology (IT) company to provide database and data tools that support monitoring vessel locations. The primary areas of work needed are expected to be:

– Database support
– Spatial data analysis
– API and web services
– Web application support
– Client support

The initial contract period for the vendor selected from this RFP will be for one year, with possibility of extension for up to five years.

Posted: 03.06.2024

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Electronic Reporting Tools for West Coast Commercial Fisheries

Deadline for written questions: 03.25.2024
Deadline for submission of proposals: 4.8.2024

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is seeking a vendor to provide ongoing support, maintenance and development of several electronic reporting systems and tools. The systems are used for West Coast and Alaska commercial fisheries. PSMFC is seeking to subcontract with an information technology (IT) company to provide support of electronic reporting data collection in the following key areas:

– Database support
– Web application support
– API and web services
– Client support

The initial contract period for the vendor selected from this RFP will be for one year, with possibility of extension for up to five years.

Posted: 03.06.2024

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Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Program (WIT) Coordinator/Trainer

Deadline for written questions: 09.27.2023
Deadline for submission of proposals: 10.12.2023

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) to procure the professional services of a contractor to teach inspection and decontamination of zebra or quagga mussels (and other AIS) contaminated watercraft utilizing the “Uniform Minimum Protocols and Standards for Watercraft Interception Programs for Dreissenid Mussels in the Western United States.” The primary geographic focus of the project is for the Western US states. The contractor shall also assist in strategizing on how to effectively carry the WIT Program forward into the future and other tasks as deemed appropriate.

Posted: 09.19.2023

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Pacific Islands Logit Integration

Deadline for written questions: 08.11.2023
Deadline for submission of proposals: 08.25.2023

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is currently seeking to contract an experienced vendor for a multi-faceted initiative aimed at the modernization of electronic reporting related to fisheries landings and sales within territorial waters managed by WPacFIN.

Posted: 07.28.2023
Q&A Posted: 8.16.2023

Pacific Islands Logit Integration Q&A

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Vessel Needed for Pacific Halibut Semi-demersal Longline Study

Deadline for written questions: 03.20.2023
Deadline for submission of proposals: 03.29.2023

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter one vessel for up to 8 sample days (depending on charter rate) to assist in a study comparing semi-demersal longline gear to conventional demersal longline gear and its effect on Pacific halibut and yelloweye rockfish catches in International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) Regulatory Area 2A. The timeline to complete this work is between 01 May and 31 October 2023. PSMFC will be responsible for designing the project and providing all scientific equipment needed for the project. A Contractor that can provide tori lines, 12-18 skates of groundline gear (each skate 1,800’ in total length), and a sufficient number of buoys, anchors, and flagsticks for the 12-18 skates is highly desired. PSMFC will supply the gangions (snap gear design), hook, floats for semi-demersal longline configuration, and all scientific equipment needed for the study. The captain and crew must be available during all scientific operations. To ensure full use of each sample day, the captain and crew should make any necessary transit arrangements to begin fishing operations at the start of each sample day. All fishing will occur during daylight hours.

Posted: 03.02.2023

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Coordinator for Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative

Deadline for written questions: 03.15.2023
Deadline for submission of proposals: 03.24.2023


PLCI, a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), is seeking a half -time coordinator/staffer to work with the PLCI Steering Committee and its sub-committees to advance and further its mission and goals.

The PLCI is a collaboration of Native American tribes, federal, state, municipal and local agencies, and non-governmental organizations working to achieve long-term persistence of Pacific Lamprey, their habitats, and support their traditional tribal use throughout their historical range spanning the West Coast of North America. PLCI seeks to meet this mission by providing science, data, coordination, education, and funding to conserve and restore conditions for Pacific Lamprey.


Posted: 1.23.2023

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