Submission deadline passed.
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter one vessel to participate in a fisheries research project investigating young-of-the-year (YOY) groundfish along the Newport Hydrographic Line (NH-Line) in coordination with ongoing zooplankton surveys in the area. The project will be in collaboration with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) employees from the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) and Oregon State University.
The timeline for the project will be approximately March 2012 through February 2013. These dates are subject to change based upon weather, logistical, or other contingencies. Mobilization and demobilization for the charter will be conducted in Newport, OR. The mobilization time frame is necessary for completing the following tasks: (1) loading gear (2) setting up electronics (3) orientating the scientific crew with the vessel (3) safety orientation. The demobilization time frame will include cleaning, unloading, and packing any scientific gear brought aboard the vessel for the project. Because the research trips are expected to be day trips, mobilization and demobilization will likely occur on the day of the trips. If possible mobilization and/or demobilization may occur the day prior to or the following research trips. In addition, storing some gear on the vessel between trips may occur if the vessel and scientific crew agree to this.
The Contractor agrees to furnish a vessel, crew, fuel, and gear necessary for sampling between 15 and 150 fm (1 – 25 nautical miles offshore) in the Pacific Ocean for young-of-the-year groundfish using a seven-foot video beam trawl system The Captain and crew for the selected vessel will support the scientific party in the deployment and retrieval of a beam trawl and rough sorting of the samples while at sea.
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below.
Updated version posted: 4.19.2012
Original posting date: 4.17.2012