Coordinator for California Fish Passage Forum

Deadline for written questions: 05.10.2023
Deadline for submission of proposals: 05.15.2023


The California Fish Passage Forum (Forum), a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) under National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP), is seeking a part-time coordinator to work with Forum membership in advancing and further developing the partnership. Additionally, with the assistance of a capable coordinator the Forum expects to develop a much stronger presence at all levels and increase interactions with the NFHP National Board and Staff along with other NFHP FHPs.


Posted: 4.27.2023

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Research using Remote Sensing via Aerial Systems to Survey Marine Coastal Pelagic Species

Deadline for written questions: 10.28.2022
Deadline for submission of proposals: 11.22.2022

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), will be issuing a $96,653 grant to fund a project that utilizes remote sensing to improve monitoring of Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS) stocks along the California coast.

Since 2012, the CDFW has conducted the aerial California CPS Survey to document Pacific Sardine and Northern Anchovy in the nearshore waters of the Southern California Bight. This survey expanded to cover nearshore waters off Northern California beginning in summer of 2017. Surveys currently utilize trained visual observers to estimate fish biomass, and there is growing interest to digitize observations. Advances in photogrammetric cameras, sensors, and computer software allow for the potential to develop and apply a more rigorous and repeatable biomass estimate calculation to ensure standardization of long-term datasets. The goal of this project is to explore alternative data acquisition and processing methods using aerial systems (crewed or uncrewed) to collect imagery and process data to inform aerial
survey methodology. Survey data support CPS stock assessments and management.

Posted: 10.18.2022

Sardine Disaster QA

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Marine Aquaculture Pilot Projects

Deadline for written questions: 10.25.2022
Deadline for submission of proposals: 11.18.2022

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation with and funding from the NOAA Fisheries, will be issuing approximately $594,000 in grants to fund marine aquaculture pilot projects focusing on sustainable aquatic farming techniques and regional business practices to grow U.S. domestic seafood.

Posted: 10.5.2022

Marine Aquaculture Pilot Projects RFP QA

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Electronic Logbook for West Coast Region Groundfish Fixed Gear Fisheries

Deadline for written questions: 5.20.2022
Deadline for submission of proposals: 6.3.2022

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is seeking to contract a vendor to develop a mobile electronic logbook for vessels participating in federal groundfish fisheries in the West Coast region using non-trawl gear. This mobile application will initially be for smart phones with likely future development for tablet and laptop. The application will allow vessel captains to record information about the timing and locations of where their gear is set in addition to catch information. Data must be stored locally when the vessel is outside of Wi-Fi or cellular networks. The application must be fully field tested and a production version ready for deployment in the fleet by December 1, 2022. While this current RFP is for the development of a smart phone app, it is anticipated that the electronic logbook will be expanded for tablet and laptop platforms.

Posted: 5.5.2022

Electronic Logbook RFP QA

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Research to Assess Gulf of Alaska Pacific Cod Stock Conditions in Response to Warm Water and other Variable Ocean Conditions

Deadline for written questions: 4.29.2022
Deadline for Pre-Proposal submissions: 5.13.2022

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), will be issuing approximately $5.9 million in grants to fund projects that investigate ways to improve resiliency in Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Pacific Cod fisheries and mitigate the effects of future warm water

Posted: 4.18.2022

Pacific Cod RFP QA

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Research to Assess the Productivity of Chignik Sockeye Salmon stocks and to Evaluate the Effects of the Disaster on Subsistence Users

Deadline for written questions: 4.29.2022
Deadline for Pre-Proposal submissions: 5.13.2022

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), will be issuing approximately $2.5 million in grants to fund projects that further our understanding of the cause of the 2018 Chignik Sockeye Salmon fishery failure, better understand the abundance and ecology of Chignik Sockeye Salmon, improve the ability of resource manages to identify future poor runs, understand the socioeconomic impacts of the fishery failure on communities in the region, and help managers and communities avoid and mitigate the impacts of future Chignik Sockeye Salmon fishery disasters that cannot be prevented.

Posted: 4.18.2022

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Southern California Shelf Rockfish Hook and Line Survey

Deadline for written questions: 4.29.2022
Deadline for Proposal submissions: 5.12.2022

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter three CPFV-type vessels to participate in a fisheries research project aimed at improving the information base for shelf rockfish in the Southern California Bight. The project will be in collaboration with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).

Posted: 4.14.2022

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Vessel Needed for Modified Circle Hook Study in the Pacific Halibut Longline Fishery – IPHC Regulatory Area 2A

Deadline for written questions: 4.18.2022
Deadline for Proposal submissions: 4.25.2022

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter one vessel for up to 8 sample days (depending on charter rate) to assist in a study testing modified circle hooks to reduce yelloweye rockfish bycatch in the West Coast directed Pacific halibut longline fishery (International Pacific Halibut Commission [IPHC] Regulatory Area 2A). The timeline to complete this work is between 01 June and 30 September 2022. PSMFC will be responsible for designing the project and providing all scientific equipment needed for the project. The Contractor agrees to furnish a vessel, crew, tori lines, 8 skates (each 1,800 feet in total length and without gangions attached), and a sufficient number of buoys, and anchors for the 8 skates. PSMFC will supply the gangions (snap gear design), hooks to be tested, bait (chum salmon or equivalent), and all scientific equipment needed for the study. The captain and crew must be available during all scientific operations. To ensure full use of each sample day, the captain and crew should make any necessary transit arrangements to begin fishing operations at the start of each sample day. All fishing will occur during daylight hours.

Posted: 4.8.2022

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Economic Analysis for Electronic Monitoring and Observers in the Federal Fisheries Off Alaska

Deadline for written questions: 11.10.2021
Deadline for Proposal submissions: 12.3.2021

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) seeks a contractor to prepare the analysis and implementation plan necessary for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Alaska Region, to implement monitoring programs in the federal fisheries off Alaska. PSMFC was formed by Congress more than 60 years ago and helps resource agencies, including NMFS, to manage fisheries and implement fishery management programs. This project will support NMFS in the implementation of monitoring programs that include fishery management plan amendments and regulatory amendments authorized by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA).

Posted: 11.1.2021

Economic Analysis for EM and Observers RFP QA

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Research on Kelp Restoration in California Urchin Fisheries

Deadline for written questions: 10.22.2021
Deadline for Pre-Proposal submissions: 11.19.2021

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation with the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), will be issuing $656,734 in grants to fund projects that investigate ways to improve resiliency in California’s urchin fisheries and mitigate the effects of kelp loss.

Four areas of interest include:

1. Kelp forest restoration.
Specific projects of interest include restoration, rehabilitation, and enhancement of kelp forest ecosystems promoting immediate and long-term recovery.
2. Marketing. Specific projects of interest include evaluation of strategies to add value to red sea urchin and further develop markets for purple sea urchin including non-consumptive products.
3. Recruitment Studies.
Specific projects of interest include assessment and evaluation of the factors affecting recruitment of sea urchin and keystone invertebrate predators within kelp ecosystems.
4. Socioeconomic assessments.
Specific projects would contribute to an increased understanding of the red sea urchin fishery collapse, its effect on localized economies within the California fishing communities and inform strategies to better mitigate against future losses in the fishery.

Posted: 10.08.2021

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