Coordinator for Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative (PLCI)

Deadline for written questions: 8.30.2019
Deadline for submissions: 9.27.2019

PLCI, a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), is seeking a half -time coordinator/staffer who will serve a central role in the operations of the partnership with a wide range of responsibilities including pursuing grant opportunities, conducting fundraising, strategic planning, coordinating efforts among a diverse group of partners, facilitating a steering committee to guide the activities of the partnership, and developing outreach and education materials.

Posted: 8.19.2019

PLFHP Coordination Q&A Responses

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

User Support and application development for the Alaska Interagency Electronic Reporting System

Deadline for written questions: 7.24.2019
Deadline for submissions: 8.9.2019

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) seeks a contractor to provide customer
service user support and application development services for the Alaska Interagency Electronic
Reporting System (IERS) and integration of data to support catch accounting. The purpose of
this project is to support timely and accurate reporting, data retrieval, and information integration
to support management of fisheries off Alaska. This project will help build regional and national
fishery information management systems with strong data quality and integrity.

Posted: 7.17.2019

IERS Support Q&A 7-31-19

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Analysis and Implementation of Reauthorization of the Central Gulf of Alaska Rockfish Program

Deadline for written questions: 4.15.2019
Deadline for submissions: 5.10.2019

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) seeks a contractor to prepare an
Environmental Assessment (EA)/Regulatory Impact Review (RIR) and to provide other
analytical and technical support to NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Alaska
Region and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) as they consider
reauthorizing the Central Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Rockfish Program (Rockfish Program). The
GOA Rockfish Program is authorized under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) and the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of
the Gulf of Alaska (FMP).

Posted: 4.9.2019

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

Groundfish bottom trawl vessel needed for Pacific halibut bycatch reduction study

Deadline for written questions: 4.26.2019
Deadline for submissions: 5.3.2019

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter one
groundfish bottom trawl vessel for 12 sample days (depending on charter rate) to test if
simple enhancements to the visibility of a selective flatfish trawl upper bridles and forward
wing sections can improve bycatch reduction for Pacific halibut by enhancing their ability
to visually perceive escape areas around the bridles and wings of the trawl. The desired
timeline to completed this work is between 03 June and 30 September 2019. PSMFC will
be responsible for designing the project and providing all scientific equipment needed for
the project. The Contractor agrees to furnish a vessel, crew, main wire, doors, and sweeps
necessary for bottom trawling for groundfish species.

Posted: 4.8.2019

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

Influencing the behavior and escapement of Chinook salmon out of a midwater trawl using Artificial Illumination

Deadline for written questions: 4.2.2019
Deadline for submissions: 4.9.2019

The contractor shall furnish the necessary crew, material, equipment, services and facilities to
perform the Statement of Work/Specifications from the RFP.

Posted: 3.19.2019

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP) Nearshore Science Support

Deadline for written questions: 3.22.2019
Deadline for submissions: 4.12.2019

The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Partnership (PMEP), a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership
(FHP) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), is
seeking a nearshore scientist to support PMEP’s nearshore project, a multi-year effort with the
goal of expanding PMEP’s spatial data framework and toolset to include nearshore ocean areas
of the West Coast.

Posted: 3.12.2019

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

Marine Aquaculture Pilot Projects

Deadline for written questions: 3.22.2019
Deadline for submissions: 4.15.2019

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation and funding from the
NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture, will be issuing approximately $640,000 in grants to fund
marine aquaculture pilot projects focusing on sustainable aquatic farming techniques and
regional business practices to grow U.S. domestic seafood.

Posted: 3.1.2019

PSMFC Aquaculture RFP Q&A 3-29-19

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

FY2019 Request Regional Oyster Aquaculture Research Consortia

Deadline for written questions: 2.22.2019
Deadline for submissions: 3.15.2019

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), in cooperation and funding from the
NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture, will be issuing approximately $875,000 in grants to fund
Regional Oyster Aquaculture Research Consortia in the U.S. West Coast states of Alaska,
California, Oregon and Washington, as well as Hawaii and U. S. Pacific Islands.

Posted: 2.1.2019

Oyster RFP Q&A 3-1-19

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

Endangered Species Act Consultations, National Environmental Policy Reviews, and Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan (HGMPs) Development for CDFW’s Mokelumne Hatchery Chinook Program

Deadline for written questions: 10.19.2018
Deadline for submissions: 11.2.2018

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and western states and tribes are working
together to complete Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultations and National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) reviews on Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans (HGMPs) for hatchery
programs. The U.S. Congress has directed NMFS to reduce the HGMP backlog.

There is a widely recognized need to determine the status of hatchery programs and the impacts
that such programs may have on the ESA status of listed populations. As such, the completion of
baseline program documentation via completion of Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans
(HGMPs) is an essential step in completing this analysis. The ultimate goal is for the assessment
of the threats and contributions to recovery posed by hatchery programs for salmon and steelhead
is used to inform the ESA delisting decisions that will need to be made for each ESA listed
salmon ESU and steelhead DPS. The following framework shows the framework used by
NMFS to assess hatchery programs in the larger context of recovery planning and
implementation and ultimate ESA delisting decisions by NMFS.

Posted: 10.1.2018

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

Coordinator for the California Fish Passage Forum

Deadline for written questions: 6.29.2018
Deadline for submissions: Extended to 7.30.2018

The California Fish Passage Forum (Forum), a recognized Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) under
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP), is seeking a
part-time coordinator to work with Forum membership in advancing and further developing the
partnership. Additionally, with the assistance of a capable coordinator the Forum expects to
develop a much stronger presence at all levels and increase interactions with the NFHAP
National Board and Staff along with other NFHAP FHPs.

Posted: 6.6.2018

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below