Home > Procurements > Archived Opportunities > CLOSED: Request for Proposal PSMFC - DJ Warren Nov 3, 2006
CLOSED: Request for Proposal PSMFC - DJ Warren Nov 3, 2006
The Contractor will assist in the development of the socioeconomic subsections of the
Mitchell Act Hatchery Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The socioeconomics contractor will:
• Develop the Affected Environment subsection.
• Develop the Environmental Consequences subsection.
• Develop a comprehensive list of laws, policies, and plans that affect the
socioeconomic resource in the project area (this is for the cumulative effects
• Respond to DEIS public comments on socioeconomics.
The Mitchell Act EIS will analyze the impacts of NOAA Fisheries Service’s allocation and
distribution of Mitchell Act funds for hatchery operations.
The EIS will also analyze environmental effects associated with NOAA Fisheries
Service’s Endangered Species Act determinations on hatchery programs supported
through the Mitchell Act. The socioeconomics work will begin in Mid-December, 2006.