Home > Procurements > Archived Opportunities > Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) Report - Pacific Islands Pelagic Fisheries
Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) Report - Pacific Islands Pelagic Fisheries
Deadline for written questions: 11.18.2015Deadline for submissions: 12.9.2015
RFP Q&A Posted - 9.30.2015
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO), Sustainable Fisheries
Division (SFD) proposes to hire a contractor to lead the development of a Stock Assessment and
Fisheries Evaluation (SAFE) report for fisheries managed under the Fishery Ecosystem Plan for Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific (FEP), developed by the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
(Council) and implemented by NMFS. The contractor will be responsible for ensuring completion of the
SAFE report and identifying a standard format and process for developing SAFE reports for other FEPs in
the region.
Posted: 11.4.2015
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below
Download RFP Nov. 4, 2015