Home > Marine Protected Areas
Marine Protected Areas
Biden-Harris Administration proposes new Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary off California coast (September 2023)
Study on Benefits of MPAs called into question (September 2023)
IMO Welcomes Adoption Of New Oceans Treaty (marineinsight.com) (June 2023)
Co-benefits of marine protected areas for nature and people | Nature Sustainability (June 2023)
Protecting Large Ocean Areas Doesn't Curb Fishing Catches (May 2023)
Cultural Practices in Monument Area Move Council to Allow Sale of Fish (April 2023)
Marine protected areas don’t help tuna, new paper shows - Sustainable Fisheries UW (sustainablefisheries-uw.org) (February 2023)
'A Major Achievement': Vision for Vast West Coast Marine Protected Area Network Unveiled at Last | The Canadian News (September 2022)