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StreamNet is a cooperative information management and data dissemination project specializing in regionally standardized, georeferenced fisheries and aquatic habitat data from across the Columbia River Basin and the Pacific Northwest in support of fisheries management, monitoring, planning, research, and policy analysis.
Products and Services
StreamNet's tabular data query system provides online access to fisheries and aquatic data sets from across the Pacific Northwest. System users enter criteria to select, view, graph, map, and download specific data, or download the entire database. All data are tied to the regional hydrography and are standardized across the four participating states: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana.
StreamNet's interactive mapping system provides access to spatial data, including fish distribution, critical habitat, and hydrography. In addition, system users can navigate to features of interest and then access data for that feature from the StreamNet database.
The Data Store is a searchable online archive for data and other information resources that do not fit in the StreamNet database structure. This regional service allows users to upload their data sets in native format for long term storage and to make them available. System users can search through the wide variety of fisheries related data and can view or download those of interest.
The Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Library contains reference documents for all data in the StreamNet database, plus extensive materials relating to the aquatic resources of the Pacific Northwest. It also houses the document collection of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC). The Library's services include reference, referral, database search, inter-library loans, and document delivery.
StreamNet can provide a number of additional data related services. They can locate and organize data on a custom basis from within the StreamNet database or from cooperating agencies for participants in the NPCC Fish and Wildlife Program. StreamNet staff members provide significant technical database, Geographic Information System (GIS), and data transfer support services to state fish and wildlife agencies, subbasin planners, NPCC Fish and Wildlife Program staff, and Columbia Basin tribes. Metadata are published as web services so data can be discovered through various web portals, and data can also be published as XML services. The project also can assist partner agencies with data system development.
Partners and Funding
In 1993, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission assumed primary project management and administrative responsibility for StreamNet. StreamNet participants include the four state fish and wildlife agencies (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana), the Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). StreamNet is a component of the NPCC Fish and Wildlife Program. Funding for StreamNet comes primarily from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Additional funding has previously come from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
Additional Information
Visit the StreamNet program website at: www.streamnet.org.
For more information, contact Nancy Leonard, Program Manager, by email to nleonard@psmfc.org, or call 503.595.3100.