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Submission deadline past
This document provides a Request for Proposal (RFP) for electronic monitoring (EM) camera
system provider(s) to employ EM among vessels operating off the U.S. West Coast and in
Alaskan waters. Although camera systems may be very similar between regions, logistics and
application will be different between the two regions and as such, specific details are separated
among regions.
For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.
Submission deadline past
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to procure the professional services of a mobile
application developer to create an application for collection of sampling data from recreational
fishing trips at sea. PSMFC samplers conduct this sampling and currently record data on paper which
are later entered into a database. The application will be a prototype to replace the current method,
resulting in a more efficient, more accurate and more timely data collection system.
For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.
Submission deadline past
The description is, “The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) and Alaska Fisheries Science Center of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) are requesting proposals for a survey research project that collects information on Alaska charter halibut permit (CHP) holders’ attitudes and preferences toward aspects of the recently-implemented Alaska Halibut Catch Sharing Plan (CSP)
For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.
Submission deadline past
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter approximately14 fixed gear vessels (e.g. longline or trap/pot fishing vessels) engaged in the sablefish, halibut and Pacific groundfish fisheries in Alaska to participate in a fisheries research project for testing camera based electronic monitoring (EM) systems.
For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.
Submission deadline past
PSMFC is seeking a contractor to assist its staff and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) with identifying, compiling, characterizing, and synthesizing economic data and associated information related to the economic use (both market and non-market), development, and commercial activities in and around the areas of proposed Stellar Sea Lion critical habitat boundaries that have or may reasonably be assumed to have a federal nexus (i.e., activities that may require some federal authorization, funding, or action that would trigger the ESA section 7 requirement for a federal agency to consult with NMFS regarding the effects of the action on critical habitat).
For more details or to download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) click the post title.