Home > Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Support
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Support
Deadline for written questions: 11.28.2017
Deadline for submissions: 12.18.2017
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) maintains multiple databases that consolidate fisheries-dependent and independent data from various state and federal agencies on the fisheries of Alaska and the West Coast. PSMFC programs associated with these databases include the Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN), the Pacific Fisheries Information Network (PacFIN) and the Recreational Fisheries Information Network (RecFIN). These data sets are used by managers and stock assessors to estimate population sizes, detect trends and examine the effects of different management activities. Fishing activity plays an important role in local and regional economies and PSMFC maintains data that helps economists and industry better understand the role of fisheries in the economy. PSMFC is seeking proposals to assist with data analytics and business intelligence (BI) support.
Posted: 11.21.2017
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below
Download RFP Nov. 21, 2017