Home > Procurements > Archived Opportunities > Wholesale Market Profiles for Alaska Federal Fisheries
Wholesale Market Profiles for Alaska Federal Fisheries
Deadline for written questions: 12.15.1014Deadline for submissions: 1.5.2015
The output of this project will be a dossier entitled Wholesale Market Profiles for Alaska Federal Fisheries that gives qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the wholesale markets for vital North Pacific fisheries products. This product will include figures, tables, and text illustrating the current and historical status of these markets. The scope of the analysis should include global, international, regional and domestic wholesale markets to the extent they are relevant for a given product. To the extent practicable for a given product, the analysis should address: product value (revenues), quantities, prices, market share, supply chain, import/export markets, major participants in the markets, product demand, end-use, current/recent issues (e.g., certification), current/recent news, and future prospects. The analysts are not constrained to the topics previously listed and are encouraged to propose other substantive topics that might be relevant to a given wholesale product market.
Posted: 11.17.2014
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below
Download RFP Nov. 17, 2014