Home > CLOSED: Vessel Assistance Needed for a Project Examining Effect of Artificial Light on Salmon Behavior and Escapement in a Pacific Hake Trawl RFP
CLOSED: Vessel Assistance Needed for a Project Examining Effect of Artificial Light on Salmon Behavior and Escapement in a Pacific Hake Trawl RFP
Submission deadline passed.
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) intends to charter one vessel to participate in a project looking to examine if artificial light can enhance the escapement rates of Chinook salmon out an open escape window bycatch reduction device (BRD) in a Pacific hake trawl. This project seeks to conduct 10 sample days (depending on vessel charter rate) between 15 May and 31 August 2013. Data on Chinook salmon escapement will be collected using two autonomous, high-resolution, low-light, color video camera systems. The number of tows conducted per day will be determined by catch rates, weather, and other logistical concerns. The port used for mobilization and demobilization will be determined once a contractor has been selected. The mobilization time is necessary for loading gear, setting up equipment, and orienting the scientific crew with the vessel. The demobilization time frame will include offloading the scientific gear brought aboard the vessel during the project. PSMFC will be responsible for providing all scientific equipment needed for the project. This project will be a collaborative study between the PSMFC, Pacific hake fishing industry, and the NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC).
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below.
Original posting date: 3.22.2013
Download RFP Mar. 22, 2013