Home > Procurements > Archived Opportunities > CLOSED: Little Shasta River Fish Passage Design
CLOSED: Little Shasta River Fish Passage Design
Submission deadline passed.
The successful Respondent will perform project management including working with the CDFG, the landowner and the water users to complete the project in the time and dollar amount allowed.
The Scope of Work includes:
1) Determining fish passage flows and flood flows using techniques listed in Part IX of the California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual. The Little Shasta River dries up annually around the Hart diversion. Alternative minimum flows should be used for the juvenile and adult low fish passage flow.
2) Completing a topographic survey that includes; a long profile of the bed and water surface upstream and downstream of each diversion structure, diversion ditches from the point of diversion to downstream of the fish screens and fish screen bypass returns, existing structure detail, cross sections and a ditch profile with water surface. The extent of the survey shall be sufficient to thoroughly evaluate alternatives such as dam removal or lowering, in‐stream grade control structures, re‐profiling of ditches and improved fish screen and bypass structures.
3) Performing a geotechnical investigation of subsurface conditions at each project site.
4) Developing a Basis of Design Report that includes 30% plans including, but not limited to a site plan, grade control structure plan and sections, fish screen plan and sections (if necessary), and engineer’s cost estimate for review and approval by the grant manager and a CDFG hydraulic engineer. The respondent shall attend a stakeholder meeting with representatives of the CDFG, the landowner and the water users to discuss the report and to agree on the proposed design and any requested changes.
5) Submitting plans, specifications, and engineer’s cost estimate at 50%, 90%, and 100% completion for review and approval by the grant manager and a CDFG Fisheries Engineering Team hydraulic engineer. The CDFG will complete California Environmental Quality Act documentation and all other permitting requirements for the project.
Supporting Documents:
Upper Little Shasta River Diversions 448-474
Site Visit Sign Up Sheet - posted 1.22.09
Site Visit Q&A Responses - posted 1.22.09
Q&A Responses - posted 1.26.09
Memo: Schedule Update - posted 2.6.09
Original posting date: 1.13.09
Download RFP Jan. 13, 2009![alt text](https://www.psmfc.org/wp-content/themes/pacific-state-marine-fisheries-commission/images/share.png)