Home > Electronic Monitoring Systems for Alaska Pot Gear Vessels
Electronic Monitoring Systems for Alaska Pot Gear Vessels
Deadline for written questions: 10.14.2016
Deadline for submissions: 10.28.2016
This document provides a Request for Proposal (RFP) for electronic monitoring (EM) camera system provider(s) to employ EM among vessels fishing with pot gear and operating in Alaskan waters.
Beginning in 2013, a restructured funding and deployment system for observer coverage in the North Pacific Groundfish and Pacific halibut fisheries extended observer coverage requirements to a wider range of vessels than had been previously included in the North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program. A percentage of vessels included in this extended coverage may be unable to accommodate an observer onboard to meet the observer coverage requirements primarily due to vessel size or space available for observer sampling duties. To address this challenge, a component of the restructured program includes provisions for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to develop and incorporate electronic video monitoring as a means of meeting coverage requirements if NMFS determines an observer cannot be accommodated on these vessels. In addition, development of electronic video monitoring for use on larger vessels to supplement observer data collection activities may be required, inclusive of electronic monitoring of trawl and pot vessels.
Posted: 9.23.2016
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below
Download RFP Sep. 22, 2016