Home > Procurements > Archived Opportunities > Electronic Logbook for West Coast Region Groundfish Fixed Gear Fisheries
Electronic Logbook for West Coast Region Groundfish Fixed Gear Fisheries
Deadline for written questions: 5.20.2022
Deadline for submission of proposals: 6.3.2022
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is seeking to contract a vendor to develop a mobile electronic logbook for vessels participating in federal groundfish fisheries in the West Coast region using non-trawl gear. This mobile application will initially be for smart phones with likely future development for tablet and laptop. The application will allow vessel captains to record information about the timing and locations of where their gear is set in addition to catch information. Data must be stored locally when the vessel is outside of Wi-Fi or cellular networks. The application must be fully field tested and a production version ready for deployment in the fleet by December 1, 2022. While this current RFP is for the development of a smart phone app, it is anticipated that the electronic logbook will be expanded for tablet and laptop platforms.
Posted: 5.5.2022
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Download RFP May. 5, 2022