Home > Procurements > Archived Opportunities > Development of a User-Friendly Web-Based Interface for a Fish Passage Barrier Remediation Tool
Development of a User-Friendly Web-Based Interface for a Fish Passage Barrier Remediation Tool
Deadline for written questions: 12.1.2017
Deadline for submissions: 12.15.2017
Develop a user-friendly web-based interface for OptiPass, a decision support tool used by the California Fish Passage Forum, by November of 2018. A project-scoping phase of the proposal will be important to design the user interface based on input from a focus group of potential end-users and the authors of OptiPass. An end-user testing phase will also be very important.
Posted: 11.16.2017
FishPass Web Interface RFP Q&A
Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below
Download RFP Nov. 16, 2017![alt text](https://www.psmfc.org/wp-content/themes/pacific-state-marine-fisheries-commission/images/share.png)