Home > Cook Inlet Chinook Salmon Disaster Research

Cook Inlet Chinook Salmon Disaster Research
Deadline for written questions: 10.16.2015
Deadline for pre-proposals: 10.30.2015
Deadline for full-proposals: 12.24.2015

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) will be issuing roughly $2 million in grants to qualified research projects in the Cook Inlet that address research themes related to the Alaska Chinook Salmon Fishery Disaster that was declared by the Secretary of Commerce on September 31, 2012.

This fishery disaster is based on the very low Chinook salmon returns in 2010, 2011 and 2012 which resulted in a Chinook salmon harvest that was 90 percent below the recent 5-year average. Exact causes for recent poor Chinook salmon returns are unknown, but may involve a variety of factors outside the control of fishery managers to mitigate including unfavorable ocean conditions, freshwater environmental factors, disease, or other likely factors on which data are limited or nonexistent.

Cook Inlet Salmon Disaster RFP Q&A

Posted: 10.1.2015

Download the full Request for Proposals (RFP) by clicking the Download RFP button below

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