Home > CLOSED: Supplier of Temporary Scientific, Professional, and Informaiton Technology RFP
CLOSED: Supplier of Temporary Scientific, Professional, and Informaiton Technology RFP
Submission deadline passed.
The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) Commercial Fisheries Program (CFP) intends to contract with one or more firms on an as needed basis to provide professional staffing support to PSMFC CFP to fill job titles in a range of technical and nontechnical positions including, but not limited to, Information Technology, Sciences, Statistics and/or Mathematics, Economics and other social sciences, field staff and support positions. These positions are typically located within the 5 State boundaries of the PSMFC member States of Alaska, Idaho, California, Oregon and Washington.
Q&A Responses - posted 8.30.11
Download RFP Aug. 15, 2011