Home > CLOSED: Amendment 80 Economic Data Report Data Validation RFP
CLOSED: Amendment 80 Economic Data Report Data Validation RFP
Submission deadline passed.
This solicitation is for proposals to design and conduct a data quality assessment (DQA) for confidential economic data submitted to the National Marine Fisheries Service and its contractor, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. The data to be assessed are reported under federal regulation on an annual basis by fishing vessels operating within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska.
Amendment 80 to the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) fishery management plan (FMP) was adopted by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) in June 2006 and was implemented starting with the 2008 fishing year by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), under regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce. This action allocates harvest privileges for several BSAI non-pollock trawl groundfish species among trawl fishery sectors, and facilitates the formation of harvesting cooperatives in the non-American Fisheries Act (non-AFA) trawl catcher/processor sector.
Amendment 80 implements an economic data collection program to assess the impacts of Amendment 80 on various components of the fishery, including skippers and crew. Amendment 80 establishes a requirement for collecting and reviewing economic data generated under Amendment 80 by requiring the annual submission of an Economic Data Report (EDR) from each Amendment 80 quota share holder.
In order to ensure that the data submitted by respondents in the EDRs is accurate, we would like to develop and implement an EDR review and verification system for the purpose of data quality assessment. This system will involve reviewing the data contained within submitted EDRs, conducting verification audits for a representative random sample of submitted EDRs as well as EDRs containing odd or suspicious data values. Verification audits will comprise solicitation and detailed analysis of the documentary basis for submitted data to identify the completeness and quality of supporting records and the accuracy of reported data. Amendment 80 shareholders are required to retain all records supporting the submitted data and supply them to auditors upon request. In this RFP we are seeking your ideas on how you would develop such a system and what it would cost to implement and conduct the process.
Therefore, PSMFC is soliciting proposals for a records review and verification protocol, and to carry out a data quality assessment of the 2008 EDRs. A review committee coordinated by PSMFC will review proposals and make a selection. Any individuals or entities that are members of the review committee and who also submit proposals or who may directly benefit from a proposal must recuse themselves from the review process.
Q&A Responses - posted 1.30.09
Original posting date: 1.16.09>
Download RFP Jan. 4, 2009