Graduate Students

Meagan Abele – Oregon State University Marine Resource Management Program. Thesis research: Evaluating the efficacy of flexigrid sorting systems to reduce juvenile sablefish bycatch in the groundfish bottom trawl fishery, and assessing the efficacy of semi-pelagic trawl gear to harvest demersal fishes in the U.S. West Coast groundfish bottom trawl fishery

Greg Christie – Oregon State University Marine Resource Management Program. Thesis research: Quantifying the efficacy of a modified flexigrid sorting system designed to increase the reduction of juvenile sablefish bycatch in the West Coast groundfish bottom trawl fishery, and determining if yelloweye rockfish catch rates in a Pacific halibut longline fishery can be reduced by changing from a demersal to semi-demersal longline configuration.

Derek Jackson – Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Thesis research: Investigating how artificial light on a high-rise hooded bottom trawl affects Pacific halibut bycatch and catches of target groundfishes.