Report of the Technical Subcommittee of the Canada-United States Groundfish Committee

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Minutes of the Technical Sub Committee .

Working Group Reports: Discussion (Full Reports in Attachment A)

  1. Committee of Age Reading Experts (CARE)
  2. Pacific Whiting Working Group
  3. Yellowtail rockfish Working Group

Discussion of Other Topics

  1. Lingcod
  2. IJFA Funding
  3. Age Validation
  4. Marine Reserves
  5. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  6. Internet Web Pages

Review of Agency Groundfish Research, Assessment and Management

  1. Agency Overviews
  2. Multi-Species Studies
  3. By Species
  4. Other Related Studies
  5. Other Items

Progress on 1997 Recommendations

  1. Recommendations From the TSC to itself
  2. Recommendations From the Parent Committee to the TSC
  3. Recommendations From the CARE to the TSC

1998 TSC Recommendations

  1. Recommendations From the TSC to itself
  2. Recommendations From the Parent Committee to the TSC
  3. Recommendations From the CARE to the TSC

Schedule and location of next meeting

Attachments: (Note: With the exception of Attachment E, these are not available at this time)

  1. Agency Reports
  2. Canada - Department of Fisheries and Oceans
    NMFS - Alaska Fisheries Science Center
    NMFS - Northwest Fisheries Science Center
    North Pacific Fishery Management Council

  3. Committee of Age Reading Experts (CARE):
  4. 1998 Meeting Report to TSC

  5. Yellowtail Rockfish Working Group Report
  6. Minutes of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Canada-US Groundfish Committee
  7. Directory of Recent TSC Participants

Report of the Technical Subcommittee of the Canada-United States Groundfish Committee

Appointed by the Second Conference on Coordination of Fisheries Regulations Between
Canada and the United States
Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting
May 5-7, 1998
Olympia, Washington

Compiled by
Thomas Jagielo
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Olympia, Washington