Summary of State Coding/Tracking Methods and Definitions for Dealers


This document was created as part of an effort to better understand the licensure of shoreside processors on the West Coast. This information was gathered in early 1999. IT MAY NOT BE CURRENT. You are urged to double check this information with the contacts listed.


Summary of license types:
Business Type Description1 License Type (in license file)
Multifunction Commercial Fish Business Required for any person to conduct the activities of a fish receiver, fish processor, fish wholesaler, and fish importer. If the licensee is also a commercial fishermen this license also authorizes a person to conduct the activities of a fisherman retailer. 4
Fish Importer Required for any person who, for the purpose of resale to persons other than the ultimate consumers, receives or purchases fish taken outside of this State which are not landed in this State by a licensed commercial fisherman. 5
Fish Processor Required for any person who processes fish for profit and who sells to other than the ultimate consumer. 7
Fish Wholesaler Required for any person who, for the purpose of resale to persons other than the ultimate consumer, receives, purchases or obtains fish from another person, who is required to be licensed as a fish processor, fish receiver, or fish wholesaler. 8
Fisherman's Retail Required for each commercial fisherman who sells all or a portion of his/her catch to the ultimate consumer.
Exceptions: A commercial fisherman who is also licensed as a fish receiver who also sells his/her catch to ultimate consumers; and any commercial fisherman who sells fish only for the marine aquaria pet trade of for research purposes is not required to have a fisherman's retail license.
Fish Receiver Any person who purchases or receives fish for commercial purposes from a commercial fisherman not listed as a fish receiver must obtain a fish receiver's license. 6
Sport-Caught Fish Exchange Required for any person who, exchanges fresh fish taken under the authority of a sport fishing license for canned or smoked fish. 0
Marine Aquaria Receiver Required for any person engaged in the business of receiving live marine species native to California waters from a person required to be licensed as a commercial fisherman for the purpose of wholesaling or retailing those species for the pet industry or for hobby purposes. 3
Standard Importation Permit Any person receiving a shipment of live fish, including shellfish must apply for a standard importation permit at least 10 working days prior to the arrival of the shipment. A fee will be charged for each permit. A permit is required for each lot or load and each shipment must be accompanied by the original standard importation permit. If there is a change in the shipment date the permit holder must contact the Department's Marine Resources Region at (916) 653-6281, or Inland Fisheries Division at (916) 653-6194. --
Long Term Importation Permit A long term importation permit is required for certain species or plant specified in Title 14, §236. Permits may be valid for one year from the date of issuance and a fee will be charged for each permit. --
Anchovy Reduction Required for fish processors to process anchovies for reduction purposes. For anchovy reduction, see Commission regulations (FGC §§8180, 8181, 7075-8080). --
1 Descriptions are from the Digest of California Commercial Fishing Laws, State of California, Fish and Game Commission, 1 January 1998, p. 25-26.

Is the list of California processors confidential?
Yes, the list is confidential. Contact Gerry Kobylinski at to obtain permission to share the list

Whom shall I contact if I have questions?
Gerry Kobylinski
CDFG Pacfin Coordinator

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Summary of License Requirements and Tracking
Processor Type
click to view definition and notes
License Coding/Tracking
Req'd to Operate? Allowed to Process? In Lieu Of In Addition To Type Dealer No's Fish Ticket? Monthly Remittance Report?
Wholesale Fish Dealer Yes Yes FFC, SC - 1 0001-2099 Yes Yes
Food Fish Canner Yes Yes WFD SC, FFC, SC 2 Yes Yes
Shellfish Canner Yes Yes WFD FFC, FFC, SC 3 Yes Yes
Fish Buyer Yes Only at licensed WFD, FFC or SC location - WFD, FFC, SC 1, 2, or 3 Yes Yes
Fish Buying Station Yes Only at licensed WFD, FFC or SC location -
Nonreporting Fish Dealer See licensing requirements for WFD or fish bait dealers 1, 2, or 3 9000 No No
Wholesale Fish Bait Dealer Yes not for human consumption - - 4 4000 Yes Yes
Nonreporting Fish Bait Dealer See licensing requirements for fish bait dealers 4 7000 No No
Limited Fish Seller Yes Limited to filleting or loining if they have passed an OR Dept of Agriculture inspection. - - 5 (no salmon)
6 (salmon ok)
2100-2999 Yes Yes
Retail Fish Dealer No * No - - N/A No No
Retail Fish Bait Dealer No * No - - N/A No No

* While there is no ODFW license requirement for retail fish dealers and retail fish bait dealers, other state agencies may require a license to operate. (e.g., OR Department of Agriculture)

Note: The 3000 series is reserved for hatcheries and trout farms.

Definitions and Notes
Processor Type
click to view licensure and tracking summary
Definition 1 Notes 2
Wholesale Fish Dealer a person who:
  1. Buys food fish or shellfish from a commercial fisherman; or
  2. Processes food fish or shellfish or any part thereof; or
  3. Sells food fish or shellfish to retail dealers or other wholesale fish dealers.
Food Fish canner, Shellfish canner, Wholesale fish dealer are essentially the same thing as far as ODFW is concerned. Legally the difference is that the canners must have special certification from the Oregon Dept of Ag. These are your processors. Processing ranges from simple gutting, filleting, smoking to more elaborate processing like surimi.
Food Fish Canner a person who:
  1. Buys food fish or shellfish from a commercial fisherman; or
  2. Cans food fish including shellfish in hermetically sealed containers whereby no further preservation, artificial or otherwise, is required; or
  3. Processes food fish or shellfish or any part thereof; or
  4. Sells food fish or shellfish to a retail dealer, wholesale, fish dealer, or other canners.
Shellfish Canner a person who cans only shellfish in hermetically sealed containers whereby no further preservation, artificial or otherwise, is required. A Shellfish Canner is the same as a Food Fish Canner except the may can only shellfish.
Fish Buyer an individual employed by a wholesale fish dealer or food fish canner to purchase or receive food fish or shellfish from commercial fishermen at locations other than the licensed premises of the wholesale fish dealer or food fish canner. Fish buyers and fish buying stations are people, vehicles, or locations that are licensed to receive fish or shellfish from commercial fishers away from the licensed location of a wholesale fish dealer. Fish buyers and fish buying stations are associated with licensed wholesale fish dealers - i.e. they are not autonomous, stand-alone entities.
Fish Buying Station a location other than the licensed premises of a wholesale fish dealer or food fish canner at which such wholesale fish dealer or food fish canner purchases or receives food fish or shellfish from commercial fishermen.
Nonreporting Fish Dealer a wholesale fish dealer ... who buys food fish exclusively from other wholesale fish dealers... Non-reporting wholesale dealers may process food fish and shellfish but cannot buy directly from fishers. They must buy only from other wholesale fish dealers or non-reporting wholesale fish dealers. Because they do not buy from fishers, we do not track their activities, but they must be licensed to operate.
Wholesale Fish Bait Dealer a person who buys food fish or shellfish, or parts thereof, from a licensed commercial fisherman, licensed commercial bait fisherman, or licensed angler, and sells or uses such food fish or shellfish for bait, scientific or educational purposes, or live public display Wholesale bait dealers can buy fish or shellfish from commercial fishers but only for non-human consumption (e.g. bait, public aquarium display). They may process their purchases, but again, not for human consumption.
Nonreporting Fish Bait Dealer a fish bait dealer who buys food fish exclusively from other wholesale fish dealers or bait dealers Non-reporting bait dealers... the same idea as non-reporting wholesale dealers except for non-human consumption.
Limited Fish Seller any person who holds a valid Oregon commercial fishing license and who has obtained an annual limited fish seller permit which enables him/her to sell any species of food fish taken in unlawful activity directly from his/her boat, pursuant to ORS 508.550
Limited fish sellers are fishers with a permit that allows them to sell their catch of their boat to the ultimate consumer. Currently rules are under consideration to allow LFS's to process their catch (limited to filleting).
Retail Fish Dealer a person who buys fresh food fish or shellfish from wholesale fish dealers, undertakes limited processing activity (limited to loining of tuna, filleting, smoking, steaking, or pickling food fish or shellfish), and sells only to the ultimate consumer. Retail fish dealer/retail fish bait dealer are only allowed to buy from wholesale fish dealers/wholesale fish bait dealers and they can only sell to the ultimate consumer. They cannot buy from fishers. They are not required to be licensed and we do not track their activities.
Retail Fish Bait Dealer a person who buys fresh food fish or shellfish from a wholesale fish dealer or wholesale fish bait dealer, and sells to the ultimate consumer for use as bait.
1 Definitions are taken from OAR 635-006-0001 and are for the purposes of OAR 635-006-0001 through 635-006-0235.
2 Notes are from Jay Hensleigh's emails

Is the list of Oregon processors confidential?
No, the list is not confidential under Oregon law.

Other useful definitions
The following definitions are from OAR 635-004-0020:
  • (1) "At-sea processing" means processing that takes place on a vessel or other platform that floats and is capable of being moved from one location to another whether shoreside or on the water.
  • (14) "Shore-based (shoreside) processors" means any facility where fish will be processed which is fixed permanently to land.

Whom shall I contact if I have questions?

Jay E. Hensleigh
Fishery Information Systems
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
PO Box 59, Portland, OR 97207
(503) 872-5252 x5417

Norm Whitten
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
PO Box 59, Portland, OR 97207
(503) 872-5270 x5470

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License Types
I have been unable to discover any method of assigning license numbers to shoreside processors in Washington.
The only distinction between types of dealers appears to be the following:
  • Wholesale Foodfish Dealer coded as FISH DLR in the License Type field
  • Anadromous Fish Dealer (Steelhead) coded as ANAD DLR in the License Type field
  • Tribal Dealer coded as TRBL DLR in the License Type field

Uniqueness across years
Washington fish dealer numbers are unique across years. However, when there is a change in ownership, a new number may be assigned. There does not appear to be a method for connecting "old" dealer numbers to "new" dealer numbers.

Whom shall I contact if I have questions?
Direct data specific questions to:
Sharon Frerichs at

Direct more general license questions to:
Lee Hoines at (360) 902-2310.

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